Why CGCC? Innovative. Recognized. Experienced.
Cancer care reinvents itself every day, offering new targeted therapies and immunotherapies critical to your cancer treatment plan.
In one year, the FDA approved 31 new cancer drugs for 16 different cancers, greatly improving not only the effectiveness of treatment, but also the quality of life enjoyed.
You need a team who stays ahead of the learning curve. The physicians at Central Georgia Cancer Care (CGCC) bring you the latest, most innovative treatment plans, personalized precisely for your health issue.
Nationally selected as one of the few Oncology Care Model (OCM) practices in Georgia, CGCC’s team focuses on patient care, improving health outcomes, and empowering the patient on his or her journey to health.
Central Georgia Cancer Care is a member of the Georgia CORE Research Network, a statewide network of academic and community-based oncologists and researchers.
Since 1977, Central Georgia Cancer Care has been providing excellent, compassionate care to patients with cancer or blood disorders in central and southern Georgia.
Our four board-certified physicians and oncology-certified advanced practitioners specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders and various cancer diagnoses:

““Central Georgia Cancer Care has great doctors, like Dr. Linda Hendricks, and a super staff. They treat you like family and they check up on you to see how you are doing.” – Warner Robins patient
About Us Patient-Centric Care

Central Georgia Cancer Care begins with the whole person in mind, so every patient is backed with a full team of professionals dedicated to your care.
CGCC’s physicians lead a professional care team of advanced practitioners, nurses, patient navigators, diagnosticians, pharmacists, medical assistants, and patient account representatives to drive and deliver world-class care, working closely with your community doctors and other specialists both here and in research hospitals across the country. We are passionate about providing both the best patient experience and the best possible health outcome.